Thank you is just not enough to express our gratitude towards you

ACERO Aid Recipient

ACERO’s ongoing aid programme throughout Turkey continues to be implemented actively. Our Turkey Chapter representative, Christina Sanhareeb has reported in the last month that the Chapter team is inundated with requests for help as the winter came very early in Turkey. This has meant a rise (sometimes double) in utility bills. She also reported that most of the refugees in Turkey are unable to find work and sustain themselves.

She has reported that 40 families, 15 of which have handicapped members or members with illnesses that require medication, are in desperate need of help. The number of refugees in Turkey continues to rise with an additional 10 families having arrived in the region of Tokat alone in the last couple of months.

Writing to ACERO’s UK headquarters, the Turkey Chapter reports:

“From the bottom of my heart I thank everyone who is involved to help our people and we really appreciate it. Thank you is just not enough to express our gratitude towards you. People are so grateful to ACERO since it’s helping us for a year and 7 months. No words can describe how I feel about this campaign and all the other campaigns that ACERO provided. One of the refugees told me that when he will get to America, he will work and donate for ACERO to help other refugees. It is a great joy to hear that from a needy person! Thank you ACERO for being with us all the way long. We are most grateful to ACCM also, thank you very much.”

Our recent campaign saw the following numbers assisted in the following regions:

– 14 family in Tokat
– 2 families in Afyon
– 2 families in Mardin
– 4 families in Jankiri
– 1 family in Yozgat
– 1 family in Kirrikale
– 8 families in Istanbul
– 1 family in Nideh
– 3 families in Duzja

Christina is now settled in California and we would like to express our deepest gratitude for her dedicated and tireless service to ACERO in Turkey in which she reached hundreds of people across nearly 10 regions across the country all while she was herself a refugee. People like Christina are true heros!

On behalf of ACERO we wish Christina and her family the very best of luck for the future and may God bless her always.