On Wednesday 23rd November, a 5.9 magnitude earthquake hit the northwest of Turkey near the town of Duzce injuring an estimated 50 people.

ACERO is currently in touch with our on the ground volunteers to send emergency aid to those affected. We have an estimated 39 families in the Duzce area. Our Turkey Chapter, headed by Mr Saad Jibrail, are assessing the needs of these families.

Power was disrupted in the region, and one resident was injured after jumping from their balcony

BBC News Online

As ever, we cannot do this important work and respond to emergencies such as these without our donors help. To donate to our Duzce Appeal, please donate here via PayPal. A monthly subscription to ACERO can also be set up via our PayPal account.

Photos below show the damage caused by the earthquake and people outside sitting around fires to keep warm.